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France has closed its diplomatic missions and schools in some Islamic countries after a French weekly published cartoon mocking the Islamic Prophet ..
Many of you may know of the tourist-thronging Lijiang in Southwest China’s Yunnan Province. But few of you may have heard of Shuanglang Villa..
Apple fans camp outside the Apple retail store on the Fifth Ave. in New York, the United States, Sept. 20, 2012. Apple fans queued overnight outs..
So autumn is fully upon us here in Beijing and of course the rest of the northern Hemisphere. But people in the southern Hemisphere are busy cel..
Russia is accusing the U.S. of using its aid mission to meddle in domestic politics and influence elections. It’s a charge that’s likel..
Egrets fly over treetop on the Poyang Lake in Duchang County, east China's Jiangxi Province, Sept. 19, 2012. As autumn comes, migratory birds clust..
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has called on China and Japan to reduce tension and resolve the Diaoyu Island dispute. He made the remarks at a ..
Retired US space shuttle Endeavour has touched down in Houston, Texas - the first stop on its way to a new life in a California museum.Bolted to..
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