中纪委网站:紧盯国资监管责任落实 推动补齐管理短板
A magic show entitled "Crossing the Yangtze River, a Magic Night at Yellow Crane Tower" has been staged along the Yangtze River in central China&..
The economically powerful region of Catalonia voted into office a large majority of pro-independence lawmakers.The ruling Convergence and Union allianc..
19 opposition groups operating inside Syria have reiterated their desire to solve the crisis through negotiations.In a press conference in Damascus o..
US President Barack Obama (R) pardons the 2012 Thanksgiving Turkey, Cobbler, next to National Turkey Federation chairman Steve Willardsen in The Rose..
Premier Wen Jiabao is paying an official visit to Thailand to boost bilateral relations. His Thai counterpart Yingluck Shinawatra held a welcoming c..
Britain has decided to recognize the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces as the sole legitimate representative of the S..
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has said that 2013 could be a "very good year" for the US economy if a quick deal to avoid the fiscal cli..
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez faced a nationwide strike on Tuesday, led by union bosses who once were her most steadfast supporters.Many wor..
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