中纪委网站:紧盯国资监管责任落实 推动补齐管理短板
The United Arab Emirates has celebrated its 41st National Day, with millions enjoying festivities across the nation.A variety of events were organize..
Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, has visited the Chinese National Museum’s grand exhibition "Road to Revival", r..
Top Chinese political advisor Jia Qinglin has met with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti during his visit to Italy. The two sides exchanged views..
Jennifer Lopez performed her first concert in Hong Kong! The American pop star showed off her trademark curves and dance moves in front of thousan..
Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations" brings together some of the cream of British acting talent. The film stars Ralph Fiennes as the convict Magwit..
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.- Despite searing daytime temperatures, Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, has ice and frozen organic materials inside perma..
The United States has called on the Palestinians and Israelis to resume peace talks following the UN vote.The United States had vehemently opposed ..
S President Barack Obama says he believes a framework to cut the country’s massive debt can be reached before Christmas. Speaking before a me..
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