中纪委网站:紧盯国资监管责任落实 推动补齐管理短板
US President Obama made a televised appearance in the White House briefing room after the shooting spree. Choking up and wiping away tears, Obama ..
General Secretary Xi Jinping has wrapped up his five-day tour of South China’s Guangdong province.During his tour, Xi spent three days inspecti..
Chinese business tycoons are earning a greater reputation and more say around the globe. That’s the result of China’s stable economic gro..
By CCTV correspondent Barnaby LoIn the wake of Typhoon Bopha, search and rescue efforts in the Philippines have expanded from land to sea. Some 30..
The third annual U.S.-Philippines strategic dialogue has opened in Manila. During Wednesday’s meeting, officials from both countries said they wi..
More than 100 Western and Arab countries have given full political recognition to the opposition Syrian National Coalition. The move came at a meet..
By CCTV reporter Hu TingAccording to Chinese experts, as political turmoil continues in Japan, hawkish political views are prevailing, and the countr..
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has claimed it has decoded all the data from an advanced CIA spy drone captured last year.The Guard’s aerospac..
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