中纪委网站:紧盯国资监管责任落实 推动补齐管理短板
US President Barack Obama has spoken at an inter-faith vigil being held to mourn the victims of the shooting rampage at the Sandy Hook Elementary..
The town of Newton has come together to hold a candlelight vigil in memory of those who died in the shooting.A special service has been held at..
A gunman has opened fire at an elementary school in the US state of Connecticut. 27 people are dead, including 20 children.School psychologist and..
In the northeastern US state of Connecticut where a man has killed his mother at home and then opened fire Friday inside the elementary school wh..
A National Park Service employee lowers a flag at the base of the Washington Monument to half staff to honor the victims of the Connecticut shoot..
Germany and the US are to send Patriot missiles to Turkey to protect their NATO ally against possible spillover from Syria’s civil war. Germa..
By CCTV correspondent Iain McKinnellSupporters and opponents of Egypt’s president have staged final rallies ahead of Saturday’s referendum o..
European leaders have agreed to press on with further steps to tackle their debt crisis. as they finished their last summit of the year. But desp..
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