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Obama launches gun-control push in US

发布时间:2013-01-22  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]


By CCTV correspondent Jessica Stone

A month after the deadly shooting at an American elementary school, US President Barack Obama launched the most sweeping gun- control push in decades.

Barack Obama, US president, said,"I’m calling on congress to pass some very specific proposals right away"

President Barack Obama outlined an ambitious agenda for curbing gun violence on Wednesday.

Obama And Biden Unveil Proposal To Decrease Gun Violence In U.S.


Even before the announcement, the National Rifle Association hit back hard with this ad criticizing the security detail for the president’s kids.

A White House Spokesman responded forcefully, saying: "...to go so far as to make the safety of the President’s children the subject of an attack ad is repugnant and cowardly."

But even democratic congressional leaders have tried to manage expectations on what is possible:

Harry Reid, Nevada senator, said,"Let’s be realistic: in the Senate we’re going to do what we think can make it through the House. "

Mike Thompson, congressman, California, said,"We can put public policy in place that will make our communities safer & at the same time protect law abiding Americans’ rights to own fire arms."

President Obama signed 23 executive orders, taking immediate action without legislative approval, but the White House isn’t shying away from the fight to come. The president’s announcement comes in response to last month’s shooting deaths of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Joe Biden, US vice president, said,"I have no allusions what we are up against or how hard the task is in front of us, but I also have never seen a nation’s conscious so shaken by what happened at Sandy Hook."

Barack Obama said, "We can respect the 2nd amendment while keeping the irresponsible law breaking few from inflicting harm on a massive scale."

Obama And Biden Unveil Proposal To Decrease Gun Violence In U.S.


中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE 

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