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Syrian government discusses political reform

发布时间:2013-01-09  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

By CCTV reporter Gao Ying

The Syrian government has convened a meeting discussing the ways to implement political reforms President Bashar al-Assad proposed in an earlier public address. On Sunday, Assad presented what he described as a new peace plan to end the crisis in Syria in a televised speech to the nation. This move has been dismissed by some western countries and his opponents, as a ploy to cling on to power. Gao Ying has the details.

Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said officials discussed details to deal with the Syrian crisis, and stressed defending the country’s sovereignty independence and opposing all external interference.

There will be a committee from the Syrian cabinet tasked with communicating with all political forces, in a bid to convene a national dialogue. He called the dialogue a national, constitutional matter.

The minister slammed the stances of some western countries and Syrian opposition against a recent speech by President Bashar al-Assad, following stinging remarks labelling Assad’s speech as being disconnected from reality.

Omran Al-Zoubi, Syrian Information Minister, said," We are not surprised at some countries’ stances at President Assad’s proposal. The president’s speech is made to those who really want the dialogue."

Omran also clarified their position on the Geneva Communique of June 30th, 2012, which some opposition criticised the speech for rejecting the most important elements of.

Omran Al-Zoubi said," President Assad says he welcomes the Geneva Communique. But some of the provisions are not clear, and we want to figure them out."

The Geneva Communique was agreed upon by the UN-backed international Action Group for Syria. It envisages a Syrian-led transition, including the formation of a transitional leadership bringing together representatives of the government and the opposition.

The new initiative proposed by President Assad last week includes a cease-fire, followed by a comprehensive national dialogue conference, and the establishment of a broad-based government and parliament.

But the Syrian opposition said the solution’s steps are not enough to be a roadmap or a political process that could end the country’s crisis.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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