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Historic Iraqi building gets new lease on life

发布时间:2013-01-08  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

A historic landmark in central Iraq's Najaf , Khan al-Shilan, has long been neglected. But, now it is being given a new lease on life -- as a museum, featuring antiquities and archaeological pieces.

Khan al-Shilan was originally intended to be a rest house for pilgrims visiting Najaf. But it had functioned as an Ottoman military headquarters, a government administrative building, a power plant, an ice factory and a wheat mill in the past decades.

Local authorities in Najaf plan to turn the Khan al-Shilan into a museum featuring antiquities
and archaeological pieces, as well as statues of rebels and some of the actual weapons they
used in a 1920 Iraqi uprising against the British, during which captured soldiers were held at
Khan al-Shilan.

During wartime, it was used as a prison to hold the captive British soldiers. The remains of drawings and dates left by those soldiers are still visible on its walls, making this place of historic significance.

But despite its importance, parts of it were destroyed in the late 1990s, while others used for rubbish disposal.

Now local authorities plan to turn it into a museum, giving it its due respect.

Museum director Hamza al-Khalidi said, "With the help of archaeological experts, we were able to preserve this and other important heritage sites so they will be sustainable for a long period of time."

Najaf, the centre of Shiite religious scholarship worldwide, holds archaeological sites dating from a number of different periods. But like Khan al-Shilan, not all are well cared-for.

University lecturer Muhammad Shakir said, "We can see maintenance is limited because the possibilities are limited. Support is needed from us as individuals as well as institutions both here in Najaf and Iraq as a whole, because this museum not only represents Najaf, but all of Iraq."

Local people are now calling for the formation of a commission to take care of other Najaf heritage sites.

Khan al-Shilan in Iraq after renovations, on December 26, 2012.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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