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Cuban jazz rocks Islamabad

发布时间:2013-01-06  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]



Jazz takes on an entirely new dimension when combined with the melodious tunes of the violin and the soft thumps of the tabla. A Cuban and Latin jazz trio called A-3, enthralled the audience of Pakistan’s capital Islamabad, with its unique sound. It was a fusion of classical jazz and the classical instruments of the South Asian region.

The first ever Cuban Jazz Group, A-3, gave an enthralling performance in Islamabad with the support of the Pakistan National Council of Arts and the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba. Director General of the PNCA, Tauqeer Nasir believes that good entertainment is something people need to help them relax, away from their busy and at times stressful lives.

Tauqeer Nasir, director general of Pakistan National Council of Arts, said, "This is our basic objective to promote Pakistani culture, within the country and outside also, to the four corners of the world. We want to reflect the real cultural face of Pakistan. And we believe that we can promote peace through art. In these days, Pakistan’s image can become quite distorted. ”

Music lovers not only enjoyed the Cuban music, but were thrilled when Ana Maria, a member of the group sang a famous Pakistani single.

Spectator Annie Bukhari said, "We enjoyed it a lot, we should have more fusion concerts like these. We learn a lot about their culture and it is a good exchange between the people of the two countries."

The group extended its knowledge of Cuban rhythm, while collaborating with local artists and sharing what it has absorbed of Pakistan’s musical heritage. Interestingly, the names of all artists begin with the alphabet ‘A’ and that’s how the group got its name A-3, with Ariel, Ana and Alberto. They share their experience of performing with Pakistani musicians.

Cuban Trombone player Ariel Petez said, "We are so proud to be here in Pakistan, sharing our knowledge and our music with the Pakistani musicians and catching the Pakistani traditional songs. It’s a really good experience to be here."

Similarly, the Pakistani musicians feel that mixing classical Pakistani music with western instruments is a unique experience.

Pakistani classical flute player Salman Adil said, "Music has a language of its own and in our musical experiment and improvisation the instruments are different but the technique is the same. When two unique things meet the result is magnificent."

Pakistan has been a victim of terrorism and many lives have been tragically lost. People say that such shows portray a positive image of Pakistan on an international platform.

Spectator Ayub Malik said, "The talibanization that is taking place in Pakistan, the way music is dying in certain areas of Pakistan, those people who live in the dark ages, they don’t want women to sing or children to write and so what we have seen today is a beacon of light .”

Many hope that similar musical cooperation projects will take place with other countries and lead to further global-cultural interaction.

Reporter: "Pakistan has a diverse musical culture and as music transcends all boundaries, many believe that such events not only help to build a soft image of Pakistan, internationally, but also promote contact with other countries on a personal and cultural level."

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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