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Santa Claus in action: Water-skiing & diving

发布时间:2012-12-27  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

It seems Santa Claus took a few breaks while delivering his Christmas presents. He was seen water-skiing near Washington DC and scuba diving in an aquarium in Mexico.

Santa Claus is coming to town....on water-skis! Tourists in the US braved the cold, wet weather to watch the annual event at the foot of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, connecting Washington DC and Maryland.

Well...Santa could barely stay upright. It looks like he’s more accustomed to riding in his one horse-open sleigh than on water-skis.

However, Santa is a pretty good diver. At the Guadalajara Zoo in Mexico, Old St. Nick was seen scuba diving in the zoo’s aquarium. It was an unusual sight that surprised the young visitors. Some even asked him for their Christmas gifts!

It seems Santa Claus took a few breaks while delivering his Christmas presents. He
was seen water-skiing near Washington DC and scuba diving in an aquarium in Mexico.


Octavio Nuno is the biologist in charge of the zoo’s aquarium. And during the holidays, he dons a Santa Claus costume and scuba gear to become "Aqua Claus".

Octavio Nuno, "Aqua Claus", said, "I feel very happy to see the children laughing. The fact that they ask me for presents is very nice. They leave with the image that they have really just seen Santa Claus scuba diving."

This is the second year the aquarium has staged the special event.

Guadalajara is the second largest city in Mexico and its zoo is one of the most recognized in Latin America. And apparently, the North Pole, too.

It seems Santa Claus took a few breaks while delivering his Christmas presents.
He was seen water-skiing near Washington DC and scuba diving in an aquarium in Mexico.

It seems Santa Claus took a few breaks while delivering his Christmas presents. He was seen water-skiing near Washington DC and scuba diving in an aquarium in Mexico.

It seems Santa Claus took a few breaks while delivering his Christmas presents. He was seen water-skiing near Washington DC and scuba diving in an aquarium in Mexico.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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