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Queen Elizabeth II hits screen in 3D

发布时间:2012-12-26  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Queen Elizabeth II is hitting the screen again, in 3D after making her acting debut at the London Olympics.

The 86-year-old monarch has made a pre-recorded Christmas broadcast on radio since 1952 and on television since 1957. In a message which was given to the media, the Queen spoke about the London Olympic and Paralympic Games, paying tribute to the athletes.

The 2012 Summer Olympics took place in London, from 27 July to 12 August 2012, making London the first city to host the modern Olympic Games three times, after previously done so in 1908 and 1948. More than 10,000 athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees participated.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth watches a preview of her Christmas message with a pair of 3D glasses, studded with Swarovski crystals in the form of a "Q", at Buckingham Palace in central London in a photo released Dec 24, 2012. The Queen will use her traditional Christmas Day message, filmed in 3D for the first time, to pay tribute to the world's athletes for delivering a "splendid summer of sport" at the London Olympics.[Photo/Agencies]

Queen Elizabeth II writes the speeches herself, and the broadcasts mark the rare occasions on which the queen voices her own opinion without government consultation. The palace said the queen has watched the broadcast and found it "absolutely lovely."

Elizabeth II, Queen of United Kingdom, said, "As London hosted a splendid summer of sport. All those who saw the achievement and courage at the Olympic and Paralympic Games were further inspired by the skill, dedication, training and teamwork of our athletes. In pursuing their own sporting goals they gave the rest of us the opportunity to share something of the excitement and drama."

Queen Elizabeth II is hitting the screen again, in 3D after making her acting debut at the London Olympics.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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