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Putin: Russian economy performing well

发布时间:2012-12-21  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Russian President Vladimir Putin has held his annual press conference in Moscow, and hailed the progress made in domestic economic and political spheres. He also defended Russia’s rights in international affairs.

"Good performing economy". That’s how President Putin described the country’s growth, against the background of the sluggish world economy, citing GDP, foreign trade, international reserves and other data.

Commenting on Russia’s entry to the World Trade Organization, Putin said there are more advantages than disadvantages for Moscow, and the government was working to protect the vulnerable industries such as the auto industry and agriculture.

Vladimir Putin said he was satisfied with the work of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and his government, adding the former president had accumulated considerable experience and taken on enormous responsibility which he would use as prime minister.

Meanwhile, Putin stressed the government and the president should work as a unified whole, and share the same principal goals, otherwise, no results would be achieved in the country.

Commenting on Russia’s foreign relations, Putin said Moscow has received several promising signals from its partners.

The Russian president highly praised China-Russia relations, saying they’re "at the highest level in history".

Putin added the strategic partnership between China and Russia has become one of the most important factors in international affairs and the two countries have vowed to further enhance their cooperation.

Meanwhile, he noted that Russia received a signal from Japan on concluding a peace treaty and looks forward to a constructive dialogue with Tokyo.

Putin also hinted at Moscow’s willingness to resume diplomatic ties with Georgia, which were cut in 2008 after a brief war between the two countries.

It was Putin’s eighth large conference as president and the first since his return to the Kremlin this May.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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