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DPRK remembers late leader Kim Jong-Il

发布时间:2012-12-17  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

DPRK residents have paid their respects to their late leader Kim Jong-il on the eve of the first anniversary of his death.

State-run KRT broadcast video of thousands of mourners gathering in front of statues of Kim Jong-il and DPRK founder Kim Il-sung. Soldiers and civilians stood silent in prayer and presented flowers at the statues. Earlier in the day, a national memorial rally was also held . Kim’s successor Kim Jong Un, attended the rally along with other top officials of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea, government and army.

During the ceremony, the President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly hailed the recent successful launch of a satellite.The leader said that the launch is proof that Kim Jong Un has the strength to lead the country one year after his father’s death.

Kim Yong-Nam, chairman of Presidium of DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, said,"Thanks to the energetic leadership of respected Marshall Kim Jong Un, a scientific and technical satellite, Kwang Myong Song-III version 2, has been launched successfully to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of our great leader. This is another victory for our army and people in their efforts to carry out the behest of our fatherly general."

DPRK residents have paid their respects to their late leader Kim Jong-il on the eve of the first anniversary of his death.

DPRK residents have paid their respects to their late leader Kim Jong-il on the eve of the first anniversary of his death.

DPRK residents have paid their respects to their late leader Kim Jong-il on the eve of the first anniversary of his death.

DPRK residents have paid their respects to their late leader Kim Jong-il on the eve of the first anniversary of his death.

 中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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