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Confucius going global

发布时间:2012-12-17  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The learning craze for Chinese language is at a global high. The name Confucius Institute may not have rang a bell back in 2004. But now as China’s economic influences spread globally, so are the branches of this Chinese learning Institute. Seems like more and more people want to know or to be part of the rising power.

It’s 8:30am on Saturday morning. Outside the classrooms of Rome La Sapienza University, hundreds are waiting to sit their Chinese language tests.


The learning craze for Chinese language is at a global high.

Wen Zheng, dean of Confucius Institute of University of Rome La Sapienza, said, "There are around 120 people coming for the tests, HSK Level One, Level Two and Level Three. Last week, it was for Level Four, Five and Six. They were supposed to be held at the same time. But due to shortage of rooms and people, we were approved to hold them across two weeks."

Across all levels, these tests are being sat by people of all ages. Some are students from colleges or high schools, others are middle-age and working. And in the other seven Confucius Institutes in Italy, Chinese fever has reached the same height.

The University of Venice has the oldest Chinese Department in Europe. Some 1,500 students are studying for the major. And the number is expanding. The office is a mountain of testbooks. But before soon, the room will be emptied as the new semester starts.

Rao Qin, dean of Confucius Institute of University of Venice, said, "We have bought a lot, but these testbooks are still not enough. We have to collect them as the term ends and reuse them as a new term begins. Textbooks are like treasures to many school presidents."

The first Confucius Institute opened back in 2004. In the past eight years, it has launched in more than 100 countries. There are now nearly 900 institutes and classrooms. And still, more than 160 universities are currently applying to have one established in their grounds.

Lan Shande, dean of Confucius Institute of University of Milan, said, "There are a lot of people coming to us. Especially many principals of elementary schools asking us to go to their schools and hold cultural activities, courses and lectures."

In Hungary, a Chinese cultural salon is being held at the Confucius Institute of Eötvös Loránd University. Attendees are from all walks of life, young and old, parents and children.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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