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Stars come out for a good cause

发布时间:2012-12-17  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Getting a gaggle of celebrities together in one location isn't the easiest task. But mention it's for a noble cause and the stars will descend as they did for a charity auction—jointly hosted by Dubai Cares and Oxfam.

Oscar winner Colin Firth brought out the star power—back once again in Dubai since his last visit in 2010 to promote the King’s Speech.

Managing Director of DIFF Shivani Pandya, actors Colin Firth, Kirstin Davis, Livia Firth and
DIFF Chairman Abdulhamid Juma attend the 2012 Dubai International Film Festival, Dubai Cares
and Oxfam "One Night to Change Lives" Charity Gala at the Armani Hotel on December 14, 2012 in
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Firth said, "I think that film festivals can serve many, many functions you know, they can be a vanity project, they can be a way just to get people into a place, I think there’s something particular about this part of the world it’s quite a hub, of course it is always going to benefit local film and local business. I was speaking to someone today who is very influential here saying it’s his dream to start giving attention to Emirati filmmakers and people of the region."

We know it’s a tough economy—so what is Mr. Firth’s job situation these days?

Firth said, “Unemployed—will Middle East feature—I’d be very happy—I’m open to offers.”

On a more serious note—the Hollywood actor was supporting a noble cause as global ambassador of the charity Oxfam.

Firth said, "The person who’s benefited the most from my relationship with Oxfam is me, it has brought me in closer relationship with an awful lot of people who would be out of my line of vision.”

Also helping raise awareness about poverty—related issues was Kristin Davis—best known for the hit TV series Sex and the City.

Actor Kristin Davis said, "One of the main reasons we’re here is because last year Dubai Cares and Oxfam partnered for this event, so much money was raised. We were able to build many, many schools in Pakistan for very poor children and people all around the world, Oxfam is all over the world, everyone talked about this event and how generous the people in Dubai were, so it’s very exciting to be able to be here.”

Reporter: "A beautiful night for star-gazing yet again—but this time it’s all about philanthropy and celebrities are lending their star power for a good cause.”

Guests had one night to change lives in a gala dinner and auction.

Going under the hammer—an organic tuxedo, a girl’s best friend—jewelry and a red Valentino gown

Over half a million dollars were raised to provide clean water and sanitation to schools in Tanzania.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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