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Surrealist art show in Shanghai

发布时间:2012-12-17  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

An exhibition of French art masterpieces is being held in the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Arts, one of the metropolis's newest museums, and explores various elements of Surrealism.More than 100 pieces of works, across a range of media, including video, paintings, sculpture and manuscripts.

The exhibition covers an area of 1,000 square meters. It is divided into six categories, each starting with a masterpiece representing different Surrealist themes.
The surrealism movement began in the early 1920s and is best known for its visual art works. Surrealists frequently use unexpected elements to illustrate their aesthetics of bringing together ideas or images that reason sets apart.

A highlight of the exhibition is works by Marcel Duchamp, one of the founding fathers of Dadaism, the movement that preempted Surrealism. The exhibition also gives attention to Chinese contemporary art.

This device called "roundtable" is created by late Chinese artist Chen Zhen.It’s the first exhibition in which the Centre Pombidou, a leading museum of modern and contemporary art, has worked with a public art museum in China. The exhibition will run through to March 15th.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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