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US, Germany to send patriot missiles to Turkey

发布时间:2012-12-15  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Germany and the US are to send Patriot missiles to Turkey to protect their NATO ally against possible spillover from Syria’s civil war. Germany lawmakers have approved the deployment of two missile batteries.

The mandate allows Berlin to deploy a maximum 400 soldiers through January 2014. During a brief stop at an Air Base in Turkey, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said 400 US soldiers would be deployed to operate two batteries of Patriots at undisclosed locations in Turkey. Panetta also warned the Syrian government against using chemical and biological weapons.

Leon Panetta, US Defense Secretary, said, "We were very concerned about some intelligence that we received recently that they had in fact moved to begin to arm weapons that would involve chemical and biological, use of chemical and biological material. And that was the reason that the president of the United States, myself, the secretary of state, made very clear to the Syrian regime that they must not, under any circumstances, use chemical warfare against their own people, that there would be serious consequences if they crossed that line."

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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