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Egyptians rally ahead of referendum

发布时间:2012-12-15  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

By CCTV correspondent Iain McKinnell

Supporters and opponents of Egypt’s president have staged final rallies ahead of Saturday’s referendum on the controversial draft constitution. Opponents say the draft is unbalanced and has been crafted poorly and without proper consultation. Supporters of President Mohammed Morsi insist the constitution is needed to complete the transition from Hosni Mubarak’s rule.

Controversy over the new draft constitution has sparked unrest across Egypt.

The rifts are deep in the fight for the identity of post-revolution Egypt.

Fresh clashes have broken out in Alexandria and the capital, Cairo.

In the port city of Alexandria, fighting broke out after a cleric at a mosque urged worshippers to vote "Yes".

Dozens fought with clubs, stones and other weapons.

A number of cars were set alight and at least 19 people were reported injured .

In Cairo, thousands of Islamists filled a square near the presidential palace, raising pictures of President Morsi.

A few kilometers away, the opposition chanted for a "no" vote.

Hamdeen Sabahi, National Salvation Front Member, said, "The National Salvation Front is calling upon our great Egyptian people to vote "No" against this draft constitution tomorrow. The National Salvation Front believes in the capability of the Egyptian people to turn down this constitution, that is lacking the principle of national consensus that is common to other constitutions."

The country is deeply divided over whether Egypt should move toward Islamic theocracy or retain its secular traditions.

Morsi’s opponents contend the draft constitution allows religious authorities too much influence over legislation, threatens to restrict freedom of expression and opens the door to Islamist control over day-to-day life.

Some supporters of the President just want the country to start moving forward.

Ashraf Hussein, Cairo Resident, said, "Personally, I am going to vote ’yes’ Saturday so that we can settle down and calm down a bit - so the country can get moving again - since the time of the revolution, the country has not been moving - there is no work - so we want to take a positive step.."

The fallout has left Egypt the most divided it has been since Hosni Mubarak was ousted from power nearly two years ago. Iain McKinnell CCTV.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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