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Xi Jinping calls for PLA "real combat" awareness

发布时间:2012-12-13  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

General Secretary Xi Jinping has wrapped up his five-day tour of South China’s Guangdong province.

During his tour, Xi spent three days inspecting a military base in Guangzhou. There he called on the PLA to "revolutionize, modernize and standardize" its forces.

It’s the first official inspection to the PLA troops by Party Leader Xi Jinping, who is also the newly elected chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission.

But with Xi’s military background early in his political career, he and the forces founnd no difficulty in forming close connections.

During his tour, Xi spent three days inspecting a military base in Guangzhou. There he called on the PLA to "revolutionize, modernize and standardize" its forces.

During his tour of military bases in Guangdong, Xi boarded a warship, inspected soldiers’ living quarters, stood on the sidelines of live fire drills and dined with them.

During meetings with military officers, Xi stressed the importance of ideological and political development in building a strong military. He urged all the officers and soldiers to earnestly study and carry out the spirit of the 18th National Party Congress. Xi also urged the PLA to intensify its "real combat" awareness.

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of CPC Central Committee, said, "First, we must keep in mind that the military must unswervingly adhere to the Party’s absolute leadership and obey the party’s orders. Second, being able to fight and win a war absolutely necessary for a strong military. Third, the PLA must maintain its discipilne. The military must be governed strictly according to laws. "

During his tour, Xi spent three days inspecting a military base in Guangzhou. There he called on the PLA to "revolutionize, modernize and standardize" its forces.

This was Xi’s first inspection trip since the CPC leadership transition.

Xi said he chose Guangdong, which served as the pilot ground for reform and policies aimed at opening up more than 30 years ago, as the destination for his first inspection tour because he wanted to "conduct an on-site retrospection of the history of reform and opening up and declare the resolve to press ahead with that policy".

In Shenzhen, he paid tribute to the late leader and chief architect of China’s reform and opening up policy.

Xi’s approachable style during the tour also drew recognition from the public and media.

Many linked Xi’s visit with new policies of rejecting extravagance and reduce bureaucratic visits and meetings.

According to Shenzhen police, no road was sealed during the CPC leader's stay in the city.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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