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US-Philippines strategic dialogue begins

发布时间:2012-12-13  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The third annual U.S.-Philippines strategic dialogue has opened in Manila. During Wednesday’s meeting, officials from both countries said they will boost cooperation in the coming year.

Thomas Kelly, US Principal Dep. Asst. Sec., Political- Military Affairs, said,"As you know, the United States has recently re-committed itself to re-balancing our focus on Asia and the Pacific, and engagement with the Philippines is really a central pillar of that strategy."

U.S. and Philippine officials at the meeting agreed to increase the number of U.S. military ships, aircraft and troops rotating through the Philippines, as tension simmers with China over the South China Sea. Philippine officials say a five-year joint U.S.-Philippine military exercise plan would be approved this week. The discussions come as the Philippines, Australia and other parts of the region have seen a resurgence of US warships, planes and personnel under Washington’s so-called "pivot" in foreign, economic and security policy towards Asia announced last year.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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