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Italian leader Berlusconi angry at foreign comments

发布时间:2012-12-11  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Italian centre-right leader Silvio Berlusconi, has reacted angrily to negative comments from foreign politicians and media about his decision to run for prime minister to lead Italy for the fifth time. He called it an offensive interference in domestic affairs.

The former prime minister said in a statement Monday that he had always been a "convinced supporter of Europe", and that the comments criticizing him were offensive to the free choice of the Italians. Italian bond yields rose and shares fell on Monday after taking a double hit of news, with Berlusconi’s announcement at the weekend, and Prime Minister Mario Monti saying he would resign as soon as parliament passed the 2013 budget.

At a lunch hosted by the Norwegian Prime Minister in Oslo, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said he is not currently considering whether to stand in elections early next year, and cautioned against dramatizing market reactions to his plan to quit early.

Mario Monti, Italian Prime Minister, said, "I understand market reactions. They need not be dramatized. I am very confident that the Italian elections when they come will give room to whatever the coalition or government will there be, will be in my view a highly responsible EU oriented government."

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