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Precious letters up for auction

发布时间:2012-12-05  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

By CCTV reporter Stanley Lee

Other historical documents are about to be sold elsewhere. Rare letters from some of the world’s most enduring personalities are to be sold at an upcoming auction in the US. About 50 items went on display in a New York real estate office on Monday.

Public and private letters, as well as intimate thoughts on paper, from some of the world’s most distinguished politicians, authors and entertainers will go on the auction block.

Among the items for sale include an autographed manuscript from Charles Dickens. It has a pre-sale estimate of $40,000 - $60,000.

manuscript from Charles Dickens

manuscript from Charles Dickens

A wide range of items from U.S. Presidents, entertainers, artists and authors shape the sale.

Marsha Malinowski, senior historical consultant, said,"That, I think is one of the more extraordinary things about this collection, the range of material. To have 10 Washington letters, six Jefferson letters, and eye witness account of the Battle of Bunker Hill and then to have Beethoven, Gershwin, to have Joe DiMaggio, Babe Ruth, to then have Dickens and Emily Dickinson. That sort of range is just unspeakable in a collection. This collection, it’s shocking that it’s a private collector. It really almost seems like it’s an institutional collection."

All of the items come from the collection of a single American who wants to remain anonymous. The 10 letters from the first U.S. President George Washington are expected to fetch between $20,000 and $300,000 each while documents from former U.S. President Thomas Jefferson are expected to earn between $8,000 and $500,000 each.

A private letter written by Vincent Van Gogh is also a great highlight.

Marsha Malinowski said,"The Van Gogh letter is a wonderful letter to Monsier and Madame Ginoux and Madame Ginoux, Van Gogh did a portrait of her as well as a beautiful painting of their cafe and Madame Ginoux was ailing and Van Gogh, seven months before he dies writes a letter to her wishing her well and encouraging her that things will get better and he makes a one-line remark that I just think is incredible. He said, ’If we didn’t go through things like this, like illnesses like this, we’d be made of wood’ and I just think it’s a very poignant remark from a gentleman who passes away seven months later," she said.

Van Gogh’s 1890 sentimental letter is expected to sell for up to $300,000 and the December sale is expected to take in a total of five to eight million dollars.

Van Gogh’s 1890 sentimental letter

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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