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White House First Dog Bo inspects Christmas decorations

发布时间:2012-12-03  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The world's largest floating Christmas tree was lit up on Saturday illuminating Rio de Janeiro's scenic Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon.

After the tree lighting, fireworks filled the night sky to celebrate.

More than five-thousand people turned out to see the 85-meter-tall tree decorated with three-thousand light bulbs.


The First Dog, Bo Obama, stars in this amazingly cute and beautiful official White House
holiday video.

The tree lighting has become an annual tradition for many Brazilians. An outdoor concert was also part of the festivities.

Visitor Marcia Fernandes said, "It’s the beginning of Christmas. We feel the meaning of Christmas."

It took more than ten-thousand workers to assemble the tree, which cost over one million US dollars to set up and light. It stands as high as a 27-story building.

The White House released a video of First Dog Bo inspecting this year’s Christmas decorations themed "Joy to All" before more than 90,00 visitors view the holiday splendor at the presidential home.

The decorations feature a life-sized replica of Bo, a four-year-old Portuguese Water dog wearing a Santa hat. The decor also features garland-filled hallways, 54 Christmas trees and patriotic wreaths and ornaments to pay tribute to military families, and four Christmas trees featuring ornaments honoring former first Ladies dating back to Jacqueline Kennedy.

Forget the turkey and mince pies. Christmas in Italy is all about the jaw-achingly chewy nougat sweet called torrone.

Every November, thousands flock to the northern city of Cremona, the birthplace of the 500-year old nougat to stock up during the popular festival.

Torrone-makers from far and near boast their latest nougat creations-- from hazelnuts and dark chocolate to walnuts and wild berries.

A mix of middle eastern influences and European decadence, torrone has become a Christmas must in contemporary Italy.

Even in the time of economic downturn, Italian families seem unwilling to give up their traditional sweet.

During the three-day celebrations in Cremona, an estimated 150,000 visitors took home 36 tons of torrone.

Rio de Janeiro's Christmas Tree is inaugurated at the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon on December
01, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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