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Dickens' "Great Expectations" hits screen

发布时间:2012-11-30  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations" brings together some of the cream of British acting talent. The film stars Ralph Fiennes as the convict Magwitch, Helena Bonham Carter as the wealthy spinster Miss Havisham, and Robbie Coltrane as Mr Jaggers the lawyer.

The big-screen adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic novel is directed by Mike Newell. Jeremy Irvine, who shot to fame after he appeared in Steven Spielberg’s "War Horse" in 2011, said accepting the leading role of Pip was a no-brainer.

Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations" brings together some of the
cream of British acting talent.


Actor Jeremy Irvine said, "I read the script and just kind of thought ’oh my,’ to play this character and to work with Mike and then I kind of decided that this was the movie I wanted to do and then, as the months rolled on, the dream team of British actors kind of came together."

The film also gave a few of the cast the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with their director, who they’d previously worked with on "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

In 2005 Newell led the fourth installment of the Potter movie series which starred Coltrane and Fiennes. But the director was quick to point out that the boy wizard’s adventures weren’t high on the agenda when shooting their latest project.

Director Mike Newell said, "You don’t mention it. Ralph and I didn’t fall to a jolly cup of tea and talk about the old times with Voldemort. We didn’t mention bloody Voldemort."

Newell’s work on the classic Dickens novel also gave him some insight in to the lauded British author, who he says isn’t the kind of person some may presume.

Newell said, "He was a savage. You can’t be as creative as that without being a savage and so I think that this book is a confession."

"Great Expectations" is released in the UK on November the 30th.

Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations" brings together some of the cream of British acting

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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