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Oriental DreamWorks under construction in Shanghai

发布时间:2012-11-29  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

By CCTV reporter Jin Yingqiao

Oriental DreamWorks, a joint venture between the US’ DreamWorks Animation and China’s media companies, is establishing a dream center in Shanghai. Expected to be China’s largest and most advanced animation production base, the venture is determined to present more and more Chinese stories to the world on the big screen.

Dreams will soon start here.

In 2016, a dream center will stand on the west bank of the Huangpu river in Shanghai’s Xuhui district.

It is expected to rival New York’s Broadway and London’s West End. At least that’s the grand vision of Oriental DreamWorks.

China and the US joined hands in August, to create a 3 billion dollar entertainment and cultural center in the heart of Shanghai.

Oriental DreamWorks, a joint venture between the US’
DreamWorks Animation and China’s media companies,
is establishing a dream center in Shanghai.

The six-block area, dubbed "Dream Center," will include shops, offices, cinemas, theatres and restaurants. And the district will encompass Oriental DreamWorks’s new animation studio, which will release animated TV shows and movies in China and for the global market.

Li Huaiyu, Chief Investment Officer, said, "Dreamworks is the world’s No. 1 animation studio. Through future cooperation, we can learn from their technologies and ideas, and establish an animated film base in China, that meets international standards."

The first animated film solely created by Oriental DreamWorks is expected
to be distributed worldwide in 2017.


Oriental Dreamworks’ first release will be the third instalment of "Kung Fu Panda", which is expected to hit the big screen globally in 2016. It’s the first Chinese co-production for a major Hollywood animated movie. After Kung Fu Panda and Kung Fu Panda 2 became blockbusters, China is confident about its future cooperation.

Li said, "What we want is to present Chinese stories to the world through American storytelling ways. Hollywood has accumulated a lot of experience and expertise on telling a story. We hope Oriental Dreamworks will become the West Point for China’s animation talent and exert an impact on the industry’s development. "

The first animated film solely created by Oriental DreamWorks is expected to be distributed worldwide in 2017. After that, the company plans to release one to three event films per year, building up a production capacity and operational standard that can rival any international animation company. It’s believed that more and more Chinese stories will have a better chance to be heard in the future.

The first animated film solely created by Oriental DreamWorks is expected
to be distributed worldwide in 2017.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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