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Palestine seeks raised status at UN

发布时间:2012-11-29  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

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On Thursday, the UN General Assembly will vote on a resolution to raise Palestine's status from an observer entity to a non-member, observer state. Palestinians and Israelis are closely watching the evolving positions of a FEW key countries. The US has said it fears the move will only slow progress toward a peace deal.

Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been lobbying Western countries, particularly in Europe, in hopes of presenting a broad international consensus against Israel.

Israel and the US have been strongly opposed to the Palestinians’ bid for an observer state status at the UN.

A spokesman for Israel’s prime minister says it won’t bring the two peoples closer.

Israeli officials have already said they will not return to negotiations after the vote. They believe it will instead undermine hopes for a peace deal.

Mark Regev, Spokesman of Israeli Prime Minister's Office, said, "The Palestinian move at the UN is unfortunately an exercise in futility. They can get pieces of paper from the UN, but they’re not going to move peace forward, they’re not going to make Palestinian statehood more real. The only way to change reality, both for Palestinians and for Israelis, to build a better future here in the region is through peace talks."

And Germany also says it won’t back the Palestinian drive for statehood.

But they are becoming the minority. On Wednesday, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Spain joined a growing list of European countries that back the status upgrade for Palestinians.

France was the first major European country to come out in favor of UN recognition.

Laurent Fabius, French Foreign Minister, said, "That vote will be cast with consistency and lucidity. You know that, for years, the French position has been to recognize a Palestinian state. It was true in 1982, with the speech given by Francois Mitterand to the Knesset (Israeli parliament). It was true last year, when France voted for the recognition of Palestine in UNESCO. And it is true, as you reminded us, Mr Deputy, when Francois Hollande as a candidate had committed to the same position. That is why, I answer to you directly, next Thursday or Friday, when the question is asked, France will say ’Yes’ out of a concern for coherency."

Two-thirds of UN member nations have already recognized the state of Palestine, including China and Russia.

Meanhile, the British foreign secretary said his country will support the measure only if there was a clear commitment by the Palestinians to return immediately and unconditionally to negotiations with Israel.

William Hague, British Foreign Secretary, said, "There is no question of the United Kingdom voting against the resolution. In order to vote for it, we would need certain assurances or amendments. The first is that the Palestinian Authority should indicate a clear commitment to return immediately to negotiations without preconditions. This is the essential answer to the charge that, by moving the resolution, the Palestinians are taking a path away from negotiations. The second assurance relates to membership of other specialized UN agencies and action in the International Criminal Court. "

President Abbas is set to ask the UN General Assembly on Thursday to recognize Palestine in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, which was captured by Israel in 1967.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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