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Union strikes cripple Buenos Aires

发布时间:2012-11-21  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez faced a nationwide strike on Tuesday, led by union bosses who once were her most steadfast supporters.

Many workers stayed at home, with some trains and bus lines paralyzed. Banks, courts and schools were closed. Many hospitals offered only emergency services, airlines cancelled flights and garbage was left with no one to pick it up.

Demonstrators block General Paz highway during a protest, in Buenos Aires November 20, 2012.


Strikers on Pueyrredon Bridge burned tires and banged drums as they blocked the road. The strike impacted businesses across Buenos Aires. Truckers union boss Pablo Moyano and his supporters’ demands include "the total elimination of income taxes," as well as other new salary hikes and benefits.

Most union workers won pay hikes of 25 percent or more this year. Private analysts say Argentina’s true annual inflation rate has become much higher than the 10 percent a year cited by the government’s widely discredited inflation index. Fernandez tried to call on workers to act responsibly and defended all she’s accomplished for workers.

A placard that reads "A minimum $ 5,000 wage" is seen while demonstrators block the Pueyrredon
Bridge, during a one-day nationwide strike in Buenos Aires November 20, 2012.

People sleep next to garbage bags during a one-day nationwide strike at the Buenos Aires
November 20, 2012.

A tourist rests on her luggage as she waits at the airport during a nationwide 24-hour general
strike in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012.

Tourists sit with their luggage at the airport as they wait for the rescheduling of their
flights during a nationwide 24-hour general strike in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tuesday, Nov.
20, 2012.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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