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Bolivian indigenous women fight for equality

发布时间:2012-11-19  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Many foreigners have only seen them on picture postcards or the front cover of tourist guides. The indigenous women of Bolivia -- known as cholitas -- with their traditional costumes, their bowler hats and many-colored skirts, have long been seen as passive, as victims of discrimination in a macho society. Now they’re fighting, literally, to be heard. Daniel Schweimler reports from El Alto in the Bolivian capital, La Paz.

This is the traditional image of the Bolivian indigenous woman selling her produce on the street, the often unwilling subject of tourist photographers, in a country where women, especially indigenous women, have long been victims of discrimination.

The indigenous women of Bolivia -- known as cholitas -- with their traditional costumes, their
bowler hats and many-colored skirts, have long been seen as passive, as victims of discrimination
in a macho society.

But not any more! Indigenous women, known as cholitas, are getting into the ring and fighting not just one another but also tackling and beating the men at their own game. On one level it’s a bit of light-hearted fun. But there’s a serious message too:

Cuddly Juanita, Indigenous Wrestler, said, "We have a constant fight - not just in the gym but in life. Look, the indigenous woman has faced discrimination. But now we’re being given opportunities to move beyond that, to move forward. Yes, we’re fighting for them. I consider myself indigenous. I am indigenous. For that reason I’m always fighting for life, for better social conditions, not just here."


The indigenous women of Bolivia -- known as cholitas -- with their traditional costumes, their
bowler hats and many-colored skirts, have long been seen as passive, as victims of discrimination
in a macho society.

Cuddly Juanita has been fighting for ten years, training three times a week. She enjoys the fame which has taken her to other countries in Latin America. There are now three shows featuring women wrestlers every Sunday in El Alto attracting plenty of tourists as well as the locals.

Cholitas wrestling is a symbolic statement in a country where women, especially indigenous women, have often been treated as second-class citizens. Now these cholitas are fighting back.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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