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Syrian opposition hold Doha talks

发布时间:2012-11-09  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Syrian opposition members have met in Qatar's capital Doha to discuss creating a new, more unified organization. On the table is a proposal by Syrian dissident Riyad Seif.

A member of the main opposition group in exile, the Syrian national Council, says he supports the initiative because he wants the opposition to come together.

Leading Syrian opposition figure Haitham al-Maleh (R) arrives at the meeting of the General
Assembly of the Syrian National Council, in Doha November 8, 2012.


Syrian Al-Maslat, member of Syrian National Council, said, "What the Syrian people need is one body representing Syria and the revolution. There are many parties outside the SNC. We want to be all together in one body and Inshallah we will go through with this proposal, the Riyad Seif Initiative."

The US has suggested the SNC can no longer claim a key leadership role and must make way for activists inside Syria. And, under the revised plan, the SNC would effectively be sidelined. It is set to receive just 22 out of 60 seats in the new group.

The international community has promised to back the new group by giving it international recognition as well as setting up a fund worth billions of dollars. A decision on the plan is expected by Friday.

Mousa Al-Kurdi (L), a member of the Syrian opposition, speaks to former Syrian National
Council (SNC) chief Burhan Ghalioun (C) and Nasser al-Qudwa, deputy to the Arab League and
United Nations envoy to Syria, during the meeting of the General Assembly of the Syrian
National Council, in Doha November 8, 2012.


中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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