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China marks start of Party congress

发布时间:2012-11-09  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The opening of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has drawn the attention of people across the country. Chinese people from all walks of life have been closely following the opening ceremony of the National Party Congress. Su Yuting has more.

The importance of the national Party congress is being echoed by people all across the country.

In Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, people marked the opening ceremony with the rhythms of drums and melodies...

And in Shexian County in Anhui Province, crowds performed the traditional dragon dance...

Meanwhile in the coastal city of Ningde in Fujian Province, this folk dance is part of celebrations to welcome the congress’ successful opening

Lan Jing, Ningde, Fujian Province, said, "I am very delighted. I would like to express my gratitude to our motherland with my dance performances from the She ethnic Minority. "

This is Jiaxing Nanhu Lake in Zhejiang Province. It’s known as the cradle of the Communist Party of China, being the site where the "First Period Congress" was held in 1921.

This sacred revolutionary site provided the foundation for the Chinese Communist Party to transform into what it has become today.

Tourists have flocked to the lake, to watch live coverage of the opening ceremony of the 18th National Party Congress .

Wang Wanpeng, Tourist, said, "The Chinese Communist Party has made great efforts to improve our livelihood in the past decade."

University students are also very keen on the economic prosperity and social development that has flourished over the past ten years.

Student of Tianjin University said, "My hometown is in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The government has made favourable education policies in rural areas to reduce the illiteracy rate. After graduation, I plan to go back to contribute to my home town."

Now that the 18th National Party Congress is underway, lots of issues are set to be discussed in the coming days.

Challenges and difficulties lie ahead for the next generation of party members. But the country’s youth are determined to dedicate themselves to making a brighter future.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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