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US election deadlocked as early votes cast

发布时间:2012-11-07  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Voters are turning out across the United States as they decide the leadership of their country. With President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney seemingly deadlocked, both candidates and their running mates have decided to head home.

With most of the campaigning finally over, the result of this tensely fought election is now firmly in the hands of the voters.

In the battleground state of Ohio, voters are lining up outside polling stations.

The last minute queues come despite nearly two weeks of early voting opportunities throughout the state.

Meanwhile, in the storm battered New York borough of Staten Island, voters cast their ballots in a makeshift polling station lit by battery powered lamps.

Since the impact of Superstorm Sandy, voters say they feel an even stronger resolve to vote.

Janice Malandrino, Staten Island Voter, said, "I was going to vote no matter where. I would, even if I had went to the city and voted, I was going to vote.

Steven Fuller, Staten Island Voter, said, "As a democrat and as an American, we’re all supposed to vote. Even though there’s tragic times we have right now, we have to come out and vote for the President of the United States."

As the final call looms, the candidates and their running mates are heading home.

Romney cast his vote in Belmont, Massachusetts, while Paul Ryan voted with his family in the southern Wisconsin town of Janesville.

Vice President Joe Biden cast his ballot in the state of Delaware.

President Obama and his wife, who chose to vote early, arrived home in Chicago early Tuesday morning.

During the final day, Romney is due to campaign in Cleveland and Pittsburgh.

Obama will spend the day in Chicago, making his final appeals via satellite interviews.

Late on Monday, Obama ended his campaign with a nostalgia-filled rally in Iowa.

He congratulated his Republican rival for running a hard-fought race, while expressing confidence he would win re-election.

Barack Obama, US President, said, "We feel confident we’ve got the votes to win, but its going to depend ultimately whether those votes turn out and so I would encourage everybody on all sides to make sure you exercise this precious right that we have and that people fought so hard for us to have. And, again, I want to congratulate Governor Romney and his team for a hard fought race as well."

The president heads into Election Day tied with Republican challenger Mitt Romney in national polls.

But in some of the key battleground states, including Ohio, Florida and Virginia, Obama appears to have a slight edge.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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