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Greeks strike over new austerity measures

发布时间:2012-11-07  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Workers in Greece are staging a 48-hour strike across the public and private sectors. The strike aims to pressure politicians to reject a new austerity program that many in Greece believe will condemn the country to years of hardship.

It’s the third major strike in Greece two months. Workers from numerous sectors including transport, banking and education have downed tools over a new round of cuts.

Two million people are taking part in two days of action.

Athens must pass tough new reforms over the next few days in order to qualify for the next instalment of bailout aid. They include raising the retirement age by two years to 67.

Slashing public sector pensions by up to a quarter.


Workers in Greece are staging a 48-hour strike across the public and private sectors.

Ending automatic salary increases on promotion. And scrapping holiday bonuses - which currently add two months pay to an annual salary. Many workers in other parts of Europe have little sympathy - they see the benefits as excessive. But the state of the Greek economy and the affect it is having on individuals is cause for concern. This round of cuts is the latest in a string of austerity packages.

But so far they’ve done little to restore the country’s finances. Next year’s public debt is expected to hit 189 percent of GDP. And with one in four people out of work many believe austerity isn’t the answer.

Theodoros Petridis,Pensioner, said, "As a pensioner I believe this is going to be the final blow. There is no future in Greece for the working class, pensioners, or low income earners."

The reforms are expected to be passed - just. But these workers aren’t so sure and a Greek exit from the euro still can’t be ruled out.

Workers in Greece are staging a 48-hour strike across the public and private sectors.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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