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Dance drama "The Maritime Silk Road" sends peace and love

发布时间:2012-10-29  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

China’s first ocean-themed dance drama "The Maritime Silk Road" has hit the stage here in the capital. It features a love story set in the Han Dynasty some 2,000 years ago, at the advent of the ancient maritime silk road.

The drama is based on a folk legend of South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Dapeng, a local government official was assigned as an ambassador to southeast Asia, just a day after his wedding. Vast seas then separated the loving couple apart. His wife A’ban stood on the shore every day and night, waiting for Dapeng to come home.

Travelling on the maritime silk road, Dapeng reached the various countries of southeast Asia. However, by the time he came back, Dapeng found that his wife had turned into a statue standing by the sea. The grieved husband then prayed and prayed, day and night...Finally his wife came back to life.


China’s first ocean-themed dance drama "The Maritime Silk
Road" has hit the stage here in the capital. It features a
love story set in the Han Dynasty some 2,000 years ago, at
the advent of the ancient maritime silk road.

The dance drama is directed by Chen Weiya. He was deputy director of the opening and closing ceremony at the Beijing Olympics, and director of the opening ceremony of the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games.

Director Chen Weiya said, " We put a lot of effort into the show. It took us years to perfect it. From the elaborately-choreographed dances, the music, and the grand stage set, every detail matters. By reviving the history of the ancient silk road, we intend to send the message of love and peace."

China’s first ocean-themed dance drama "The Maritime Silk
Road" has hit the stage here in the capital. It features a
love story set in the Han Dynasty some 2,000 years ago, at
the advent of the ancient maritime silk road.

It’s truly a fusion of Chinese and southeast Asian culture. And with the help of multi-media devices, the dance drama creates an appealing artistic world.

Debuted in late November of 2008, "The Maritime Silk Road" proved a smash hit around the country. The dance drama has since received extensive recognition and has toured both at home and abroad with more than 160 performances.

China’s first ocean-themed dance drama "The Maritime Silk
Road" has hit the stage here in the capital. It features a
love story set in the Han Dynasty some 2,000 years ago, at
the advent of the ancient maritime silk road.

China’s first ocean-themed dance drama "The Maritime Silk
Road" has hit the stage here in the capital. It features a
love story set in the Han Dynasty some 2,000 years ago, at
the advent of the ancient maritime silk road.

China’s first ocean-themed dance drama "The Maritime Silk
Road" has hit the stage here in the capital. It features a
love story set in the Han Dynasty some 2,000 years ago, at
the advent of the ancient maritime silk road.

China’s first ocean-themed dance drama "The Maritime Silk
Road" has hit the stage here in the capital. It features a
love story set in the Han Dynasty some 2,000 years ago, at
the advent of the ancient maritime silk road.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE 

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