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BBC under fire over sex abuse cover-up claims

发布时间:2012-10-23  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Pressure on the BBC to address allegations its bosses covered up sexual abuse claims levelled at one of its former TV stars mounted on Monday after British Prime Minister David Cameron said the broadcaster had serious questions to answer.

The premier’s intervention came as the editor of the internationally renowned media organisation’s flagship "Newsnight" show stepped aside after admitting he had given an "inaccurate" account of why the BBC had axed its own expose of the alleged abuse of underage girls by the late Jimmy Savile.

The scandal has engulfed the BBC at a time when it remains under pressure from its critics, which include much of the conservative media, who have queried whether it should still be funded via an annual licence fee paid by the public.

FILE - This is a March 25, 2008 file photo of Sir Jimmy Savile.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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