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Smartphone giants eye huge Chinese market

发布时间:2012-10-21  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

By CCTV reporter Han Peng

Saturday was a big day for both Apple and Samsung fans in China. While Apple was opening its biggest Asia store in Beijing’s A.P.M. shopping center, over in Shanghai, Samsung was launching the latest version of its Galaxy smartphone. Both giants are eyeing the huge potential of the Chinese market. Finally the wait is over.

The biggest Apple store in Asia threw its doors open to an eager public.

Although the new Apple store did not launch iphone 5 as many had expected, the sheer popularity of its products is strong enough to attract tens of thousands of visitors.

Li Yongqiang, China;s 1st iPhone user, said, "I’m so excited today. I was the first user of the iPhone 4 in China. Today they didn’t launch the iPhone 5. I feel a bit disappointed, but that doesn’t matter, because Apple is always my favorite."

Customers wait to enter the new Wangfujing Apple Store in Beijing, capital of
China, Oct. 20, 2012. Apple Inc. opened its sixth retail store on the Chinese
mainland Saturday in Beijing's Wangfujing commercial area. The new store is
Apple's largest retail store in Asia. (Xinhua/Luo Xiaoguang)

Deng Jinwei, Manager, Iapps.im Website, said, "I came all the way from Shanghai. Because my company is in Shanghai, and I think for my business, it’s important to see how the market reacts to the new Apple store."

"The new apple store looks very fancy. It can’t be seen anywhere else.

Hours before the store opened, the crowd had been waiting, regardless of the cold and dark.

Some even pitched up tents to wait overnight. But they were all in a joyful mood, eager to get through the door in the very first hour.

As Apple was opening its biggest Asia store in Beijing, in Shanghai, Samsung
was launching its latest Galaxy cellphone, with a thinner shape, longer battery
time and an upgraded CPU.

Apple fans all eager to get their hands on the latest technology. But while the Chinese market certainly seems to have become gadget-crazy, Apple is not the only player. Its rival Samsung is quickly catching up.

As Apple was opening its biggest Asia store in Beijing, in Shanghai, Samsung was launching its latest Galaxy cellphone, with a thinner shape, longer battery time and an upgraded CPU.

Last month, Samsung surpassed iPhone in sales for the first time in the US.

And now, China has become their major battleground.

Ian C.K. Choy, General Manager, Beijing APM Shopping Center, said, The smartphone business is all about appealing to youngsters. The most common strategy is to frequently launch new products, and open up retail stores in landmark shopping malls.

Apple and Samsung take up a staggering 40% of China’s market share. But what
is more staggering is that they’ve swept 90% of the profit from China’s market.

Apple and Samsung take up a staggering 40% of China’s market share. But what is more staggering is that they’ve swept 90% of the profit from China’s market.

China’s two biggest cellphone companies Huawei and ZTE are sadly lagging far behind, even in the Chinese market.

So finally, after two hours of wrestling with the crowd, I managed to claim a space inside the Apple store. Actually, Beijing already has three Apple stores like this. But Apple is still looking to tap the huge potential from China’s market.

What China has got is undoubtedly a strong purchasing power. But what it now lacks is its home-grown companies marketing power and innovation.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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