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Chinese film fest wraps up in New York

发布时间:2012-10-21  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

By CCTV Correspondent Liling Tan

The Chinese Film Festival in New York has come to an end with a truly grand finale. An awards ceremony at the historic Waldorf Astoria. The event saw some of China’s hottest stars including Aaron Kwok and Wang Luodan recognized for their achievements.

It was glitz and glamour right up to the end at Manhattan’s landmark Waldorf Astoria, as film stars from the East and West rubbed shoulders.

For film veterans, the Chinese film festival in New York makes for a great opportunity to exchange their cultures and ideas about film.

Lisa Lu Yen, Chinese Actress, said, "I think the Chinese will learn from the Americans and also the Americans have the chance to learn more about the Chinese way of making films."

The event saw some of China’s hottest stars including
Aaron Kwok and Wang Luodan recognized for their

Alan Alda, American Actor, said, "I hope that Chinese films become more and more popular in the United States. They’re very popular now, but I’m hoping they get more popular cos we have a lot to learn from Chinese filmmakers."

The festival is co-chaired by CCTV’s Movie Channel and Sid Ganis, director of the Asscociation of Independent Film. He said he had only simple goals for the event.

Sid Ganis, Festival Co-Chair, said, "An awareness of Chinese cinema. That’s it. I don’t want anything more than that."

But no party really begins until the big stars arrive This year they’re artists Sandra Ng and Aaron Kwok.

The Chinese Film Festival in New York has come to an
end with a truly grand finale.

Kwok, who was presented with the Most Outstanding Asian Artist Award, was featured in three festival screenings here in New York, including Love for Life, about a couple living with Aids in rural China. He spoke with us in a CCTV News exclusive.

Aaron Kwok, Actor, said, "In I play a farmer who comes down with this disease, everybody knows it’s AIDS, so this is a very interesting and touching movie for me and for the audience. I think it was difficult because of the language, because Mandarin is not my mother tongue and in the movie I have to speak my dialogue in Mandarin."

The most popular Asian Artist Award went to Wang Luodan, while highly-acclaimed director Zhang Yang received the award for most Popular Asian Director.

The iconic Waldorf Astoria makes for a particularly significant setting. It’s shown up in countless Hollywood movies including The Way We Were with Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford, and recently The Adjustment Bureau with Matt Damon, filmed right here on the Starlight Roof.

The annual event opened October 17th with a gala at the famous Lincoln Center. It’s showcased 12 Chinese films over four days not only for Chinese film buffs, but the wider American audience as well. Liling Tan, CCTV, New York.

The Chinese Film Festival in New York has come to an
end with a truly grand finale.


中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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