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5 countries elected to UN Security Council

发布时间:2012-10-19  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The UN General Assembly has elected five new non-permanent members to the Security Council. South Korea, Luxembourg, Argentina, Australia and Rwanda will serve a two-year term in the powerful UN body beginning on January the first next year.

The UN General Assembly elected the Republic of Korea and Luxembourg to a two-year term in the UN Security Council in the second round of voting on Thursday.

A U.N. conference officer distributes ballots to delegations as the UN General Assembly prepares to elect
five new non-permanent members of the UN Security Council, Oct 18, 2012.

The two joined Argentina, Australia and Rwanda, which were elected earlier, to serve as new non-permanent members of the powerful UN body.

Vuk Jeremic, president of UN General Assembly, said, "I congratulate the states which have been elected members of the Security Council."

Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr said, "It is always good to see Australia win, and this was a big juicy, decisive win, and it is very, very sweet. It’s hard for Australia on these international forums because we are not part of a major block, and we’ve got to be good to get a majority, and we’ve got to be super good to get big majority."

ROK ambassador to UN Kim Sook said, "In addressing the challenges of our time, I’m committed that we’re going to continue(to) ask ourselves what possible ways are there for us to make further unique contribution by the country which is divided."

Election requires support from two-thirds of the General Assembly members, or 129 votes.

Each of the five unofficial UN regional groups has an allotment of members, chosen on a staggered basis.

Asia has 2, Africa has 3, Latin American and the Caribbean has 2, Eastern Europe has 1, and Western Europe and Others has 2.

The five new members will replace Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal and South Africa, whose term ends on December 31st.

A U.N. conference officer distributes ballots to delegations as the UN General Assembly
prepares to electfive new non-permanent members of the UN Security Council, Oct 18, 2012.

Australia has comfortably won its bid for a seat on the United Nations Security Council.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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