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Norway hosts Colombian peace talks

发布时间:2012-10-17  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

After delaying the start of peace talks originally scheduled for Monday, Colombian government negotiators and the rebels are finally heading to a secret location in Norway to begin discussions aimed at ending nearly half a century of conflict.

Negotiators from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as FARC, as well as from Colombian government are converging at a top-secret location outside of the Norwegian capital Oslo.

Colombia's government negotiators board a plane
to Oslo, Norway, for landmark peace talks with
leftist FARC rebels.

They aim to embark on talks that mark the fourth attempt since the 1980s to end Latin America’s longest running conflict that has claimed tens of thousands of lives.

Observers say that since the last talks foundered a decade ago, a U.S.-backed military push has battered the rebels halving their number and killing three of the most senior leaders.

Arne Elias Corneliussen, director of Norwegian Risk Consulting International, said, "The FARC are now in a weaker position than any previous attempts and Santos the president is also now having the public behind him in his efforts so these steps are now looking in a more favorable condition than ever before."

Another important break from the past is believed to be the inclusion of the military in the government’s negotiating team.

Corneliussen said, "The fact that the military is on board is critical."

The talks follow two years of back door negotiations sponsored by Norway and Cuba during which the Colombian government began land reform demanded by the rebels, while FARC abided by a key government demand to renounce kidnapping.

The talks could still be derailed by right wing paramilitary groups and elements of FARC allegedly involved in illegal mining and the drug trade, both of which oppose a settled peace.

But hopes remain high that these talks can at least lay the groundwork for a dialogue that could end a conflict that has lasted nearly five decades.

Reporter: "Negotiators from FARC and the Colombian government say they will deliver a joint press conference on Wednesday, at which they will outline progress, if indeed any is made, that might pave the way for more detailed discussions expected to be held in Cuba.

Colombia's government head of negotiators
Humberto de la Calle (R) waves
while boarding the plane to Oslo, Norway.

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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