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iPhone thefts on the rise

发布时间:2012-10-05  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

By CCTV reporter Yakenda McGahee

Nearly 7,000 cellphones were stolen in Washington D.C. alone last year, according to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. 1 in 3 robberies in the U.S. now involve a smart phone.

From Sydney to Singapore San Francisco to Hong Kong and without-a-doubt, in the "Big Apple", these little Apples are in season: "'Cause it's a very good product!' And sales are out of this world.

Japanese girls wave phones: "Ahhhhh!" Kurt Knutsson, the "cyber guy": "2 million phones sold within 24 hours. That's kind of crazy." "iSanity" may be a better word as Apple sold 5 million units within 3 days of the new iPhone launch. Priscilla Milton, New iPhone 5 Owner: "iPhone 5 I love this phone!" And so do thieves.

Charles Ramsey, Philadelphia Police Commissioner, said, "Now when you say theft oftentimes these devices are being taken point-of-gun, they're being taken after serious assaults." “And brazen break-ins-as shown in this surveillance video of an iPhone heist. The crime is now so common it's even earned the nickname "Apple Picking."

U.S. Senator, Charles Schumer, said, "iPhones and smartphones are catnip for criminals. They're ripe for the picking."

Unsuspecting and inattentive iPhone owners make easy targets say police. Cops say holding an iPhone today is the equivalent of holding hundreds of dollars of cash in your hands. As I learned the hard way at a Starbucks recently, it only takes one moment to look away and your phone can walk away.

Priscilla Milton, iPhone 5 Owner, said, "Now there's an app on the iPhone and it's called 'Find My iPhone.' Even if the phone is off it will beep, and it's free. You gotta get it!"

Far more reasonable than the price you'd pay to replace that stolen iPhone.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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