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Zuckerberg: Facebook users hit one billion

发布时间:2012-10-05  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

By CCTV reporter Mark Niu

Facebook has reached a special milestone today. The social network has hit one billion users. Mark Niu is in Silicon Valley with an update on how Facebook is both celebrating and strategizing.

It has become the largest social media network in the world, now with one billon users. In an interview with U-S broadcaster NBC, Zuckerberg said mobile was the future and that 600 million users log onto Facebook every month with their mobile phones.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, said, "There's no way when we were getting started with this that I would ever, myself or any of the other people around me would be able to be a part of something like this. It's incredible."

Since its launch in February of 2009, Facebook has seen more than 1.13 trillion likes, 140.3 billion friend connections and 219 billion uploaded photos. The company also launched a new marketing campaign today that attempts to equate Facebook with physical objects like a chair or bridge items that are a part of everyday life and here to stay.

Tim Bajarin, President of Creative Strategies, said, "I think it's a true statement. You got that many people using Facebook both as a communication medium and a social interactive medium. It has become part of the fabric of society and I think they're just trying to elevate that position."

Facebook also just announced that it will begin testing a new promotion model that's already been experimented with in New Zealand. The feature allows users to promote a post, which bumps the post higher in your news feed so that more people will notice it. This option would likely involve a fee, which makes analysts like Bajarin skeptical.

Tim Bajarin said, "I think ultimately the generic consumer he'll never pay to post higher."

Bajarin says Facebook is in brand new territory, in attempting to use social media as a vehicle for communication and commerce. He says expect Zuckerberg to continue to experiment with new ways to turn those one billion users into a paying audience.

 中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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