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Matatu: Colorful mode of transport in Kenya

发布时间:2012-09-27  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

By CCTV reporter Peter Wakaba

In many cities around the world and Africa, the issue of public transport is a crucial and heavily regulated aspect of public life. In Kenya, however the public transport sector has morphed into more than just a mode of transport: for many, it is now a way of life. CCTV's Peter Wakaba takes a closer look at an industry that is now supporting upwards of a million Kenyans, and in very colorful fashion.

'Matatu's are the preferred mode of transport in Kenya for those who don't own a vehicle. They are to be found across every major town in the country. The word Matatu traces its origin back to the 1950s meaning ''three;'' the amount of shillings it cost one to board and use a matatu in urban areas. Back then, they used to be few and far between. Since then, the number of matatus has grown tremendously and so has their popularity. In Kenya, this mode of transport is a work of art; their production a long and costly process.

This is an assembly and design point where various motor vehicles body parts are assembled to make one matatu. The process starts from scratch, requiring the skills of dozens of men who specialize in the design aspects, welding, sewing and painting.


Kenya Matatu

James Kimani, managing director of Dodi Autotech, said, “We have designs coming up every other day and Kenyans like going with the latest designs. We produce so fancy matatus so that they can attract customers. “

It takes approximately 45 days to complete one vehicle. If a client can afford to pay extra the process can be as quick as four weeks. Owners go to great lengths to kit out their vehicle?

James Kimani said, “They also put very expensive music inside, they also put in TV, they also even put the satellite dishes because of sports. They like that. So many Kenyans are out there and the mode of transport is matatu.”

After a successful process, the matatus are then released to the market, to go and carry out their mission; ferry passengers and hopefully make the owner some money. They are mostly popular with the youth, who would wait at stages for hours just to get a taste of the ride listening to and watching loud music through the journey.

Irine Oduor, passenger, said, “They're quite nice; they're quite entertaining and the music is good. That's why people like them especially the youth. “

What also contributes to their popularity are their crew, most of whom are young and dress according to the latest trends and fashion.

Robert David Kibet, matatu tout, said, “My job is quite interesting; it' fun as you can see, it pays. Yes, it has a lot of challenges but we have to struggle with it because it' the only job we can do as teenagers here and you have to work hard in it so that you can succeed in life. “

Matatus are big business in Kenya employing thousands being a crucial cog in the country's transport industry.

Kenya Matatu

Kenya Matatu

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