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Interview: First commander of China's first aircraft carrier

发布时间:2012-09-26  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

In the speculation about China’s first aircraft carrier, one big question has been who will be its commander. The main responsibility for training and development will be his. Han Bin was given an exclusive interview with its captain, Admiral Zhang Zheng. He shared his thoughts about taking on this unique role.

Q1, Captain , it’s an honor to be here to talk to you. How does it feel to be the first commander of China’s first aircraft carrier?

Q2, The qualifications for the job are very high. How different do you think it is commanding the aircraft carrier, compared with other warships?

Q3, The aircraft carrier has generated a lot of talk--both positive and negative.

How important is the aircraft carrier for the PLA navy? What direction should development take?

Q4, The aircraft carrier is now going into a new stage of operation.

Tell us about your plans for training and research.

Captain Zhang, you gave me the strong impression of being energetic, open-minded, and tough. Someone with high standards for yourself and others. The naval leaders and troops have placed high hopes on you. Thank you for your time.

Captain Zhang, says English isn’t required for his job, but it could be useful for exchanges with other navies in the future.

Zhang Zheng, captain of China's first aircraft carrier "Liaoning" poses for a photo on Sept. 24, 2012. China's first aircraft carrier was delivered and commissioned to the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on Sept. 25, 2012. The carrier, with the name "Liaoning" and hull number 16, was officially handed over to the Navy at a ceremony held in a naval base of northeast China’s Dalian Port. (Xinhua/Zha Chunming)


中国公众网摘编GAN JADE

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