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"Oktoberfest" opens in Munich

发布时间:2012-09-24  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Let’s go to Germany and join in the world’s largest, rowdiest and most famous beer festival! The annual "Oktoberfest" opened in Munich for the 179th time on Saturday. And despite the high prices, tens of thousands of visitors from across the world made their way to Munich for a barrel of fun. So come raise a glass!

The pleasure fest is kicked off with a procession of the inn-keepers who are brought to the tents in horse drawn wagons.

As always, the drinking, dancing and laughing didn’t start until everyone heard the traditional shout from the mayor, uttering those magic words that the beer barrel "is tapped!"

Christian Ude, mayor of Munich, said,"My only wish is for a peaceful Oktoberfest without anything bad happening. The atmosphere in the tents gets fantastic on its own, and this also goes for the beer vendors with this kind of weather."

Although a mass of visitors come from abroad, Oktoberfest is a highlight for many Bavarians who turn out in traditional leather pants and dresses.

The celebration has hired about 12-thousand staff to ensure no one goes home hungry or thirsty. Organizers say 2011 saw a record 6.9 million visitors consume 7.5 million litres of beers, more than 520-thousand chickens and 118 oxen.

And how did this drinking fest come about? Well the first Oktoberfest was held in 1810 in mid-October, in honor of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig’s marriage. That sparked off a yearly celebration. And later the festival was moved forward into September. Prost!





As always, the drinking, dancing and laughing didn’t start until everyone heard the traditional shout from the mayor, uttering those magic words that the beer barrel "is tapped!"

The annual "Oktoberfest" opened in Munich for the 179th time on Saturday. And despite the high prices, tens of thousands of visitors from across the world made their way to Munich for a barrel of fun. So come raise a glass!

"Oktoberfest" opens in Munich

"Oktoberfest" opens in Munich

中国公众网摘编GAN JADE

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