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S. Korea raises budget of disputed islets with Japan

发布时间:2012-09-12  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The South Korean Foreign Ministry says the government will run advertisements in Japanese media in response to recent Japanese ads laying claims to the South Korean- controlled islets.

The remark came after the Japanese government described the island chain as part of its territory in ads on some 70 local newspapers. South Korea strongly protested the move earlier on Tuesday.

Cho Tai-Young, spokesman of South Korea Foreign Ministry, says, "Japan should not go backward, trying to unilaterally take the case to the International Court of Justice, and taking out adverts pursuing unreasonable claims. They should recognise correct history and go forward together with South Korea."

Cho Tae-young says the government is considering a major hike in the budget to be allocated to the sparsely inhabited islets. Lying equidistant between South Korea and Japan, the lonely set of rocky outcroppings has been a chronic source of diplomatic rows as Japan repeatedly claims South Korea is illegally occupying the islets.

The acrimony reached a peak after South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s high-profile visit last month to the uninhabited islets. Japan responded by suggesting the two countries take the dispute to the International Court of Justice.

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