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2012 APEC: "Integrate to grow, innovate to prosper"

发布时间:2012-09-06  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Foreign and trade ministers from 21 economies have convened on a Russky island for the APEC Ministerial meeting. While the world economy continues to experience sluggish growth, the ministers are expected to produce a joint statement aimed at spurring growth and promoting trade.

The 2012 APEC is held under the motto "Integrate to grow, innovate to prosper".

While APEC is committed to promoting the free flow of goods and services, the ministers are also working to bring results this year. The areas mainly concern maintaining access to food products; establishing economically viable and secure commodity supply chains and intensive cooperation to foster innovative growth.

The agenda fits in with Russia’s strategy to develop the remote and sparsely populated far east.

Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister said, "Economic and social development of the far east and Siberia is the top priority of the Russian Federation. This is a priority not only in our domestic policy, but we also have bilateral agreements with China to conduct close economic cooperation aimed at developing the far east and adjacent regions of China. We will also work with our other western partners to develop a comprehensive relationship. "

Chinese assistant Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu and assistant Commerce Minister Yu Jianhua are attending the closed door meeting.

China has called on APEC members to work together to advance regional economic integration.

To facilitate trade and investment liberalization, China called on the economies to fulfill the Goals set in Bogor, Indonesia in 1994, and to deal with the next generation trade and investment issues.

China aims to work with APEC economies to improve food production, develop agricultural technology and to jointly safeguard world food security.

Meanwhile China also aims to take measures to bring down the cost of commodities and facilitate the flow of people, goods and services through reliable supply chains.

China also proposed promoting personnel exchanges, technology cooperation and transfers among APEC members.

Zhang Nini, Russky Island said, "Over the next couple of days, ministers from 21 economies will try to find ways to enhance prosperity and the region’s leadership in the global economy. Their discussions focus on the four priorities of this year’s meeting and the outcome will be submitted to the Economic Leaders Meeting at the end of the week.

Participants pose for a group photo during the 24th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministerial Meeting in Vladivostok of Russia Sept. 5, 2012. The two-day meeting kicked off here Wednesday. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

Chinese Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Ma Zhaoxu (front L) and Assistant Minister of Commerce Yu Jianhua (front R) attend the 24th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministerial Meeting, in Vladivostok of Russia, on Sept. 5, 2012. The two-day meeting kicked off here Wednesday. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

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