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US condemns Sudan's crackdown on protestors

发布时间:2012-06-28  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The United States has condemned a crackdown on anti-government protests in Sudan that have spread throughout the capital, Khartoum. The unrest that began as an isolated student protests over planned austerity measures in the Arab-African nation, spread over the past several days, becoming larger and more volatile demonstrations.

According to a statement by the U.S. state department, it is not pleased with the demonstration and approach by the Sudanese security forces to condone the escalating violence, terming their heavy-handed approach as disproportionate and deeply concerning Riot police were ordered in to immediately stop the street uprising, firing tear gas and using batons on rock-throwing demonstrators.

There have also been reports that protesters have been arrested, detained and beaten. Sudan president Omar Al-Bashir has completely downplayed the protests as the work of agitators. The government claims activists have sought to use public frustration to build a movement to topple his government.

Omar Al-Bashir, Sudan President, said, "We are a responsible government and will not push our members to confront the rioters, but we will direct the government institutions to deal with them. Soaring inflation has gripped the country since South Sudan seceded a year ago taking with it about three quarters of the country's oil production."

 中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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